Hospital Visitation
Rabbi Nechemia is an official volunteer chaplain at Northeast Georgia Health System. He visits Jewish patients at the local hospitals on a weekly basis or upon request. He offers his support and prayers to patients, regardless of their affiliation with a synagogue. He also helps to arrange for Mi Shebeirach (Get Well) prayers to be recited in the synagogue. If you know of any Jewish patients who would benefit from a visit from Rabbi Nechemia, please do not hesitate to contact us at 770-906-4970 or at Rabbi@JewishHall.com
In addition to his regular visits, Rabbi Nechemia also provides Shabbat kits to Jewish patients who are unable to celebrate Shabbat at home. These kits contain challah, wine, and electric Shabbat candles. They are a simple way to help patients feel connected to their faith and community during a difficult time.
If you know of any Jewish patients who would benefit from a Shabbat kit, please contact Rabbi Nechemia. He will be happy to deliver a kit to the patient's bedside.
Rabbi Nechemia is also available to visit Jewish patients at other facilities, such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities. If you know of a Jewish patient who is not currently receiving care at a hospital, please contact Rabbi Nechemia to see if he is able to visit.
"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved." - Jeremiah 17:14